
US$ 855 million International Financing Dual Currency Term Loan Facility

On 28.10.2020 Yapı Kredi announced that; the Bank successfully signed a syndicated loan agreement totalling US$ 805 million at 367 days maturity, including an accordion feature. With this feature added to the agreement, the amount of syndication loan had incremental capacity depending on the participation.

As a result of additional participation through accordion feature, the amount of syndication loan provided to our Bank amounted to approximately 855 million US Dollars, including 334 million US Dollars and 440.5 million Euros.

The total cost of the deal for USD and EUR is Libor+2.50% and Euribor+2.25% respectively. Number of participants consists of Yapı Kredi’s key relationship partners, from 21 countries and 39 financial institutions.

Istanbul, 13 November 2020

Yapı Kredi Investor Relations
Email: yapikredi_investorrelations@yapikredi.com.tr

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