
A brand-new service from Yapi Kredi: Online loans

One-click retail loans! Yapi Kredi customers can now apply for all their retail loans on-line over the internet

The unrivaled technology leader of Turkey’s banking industry, Yapi Kredi is offering its customers another very special service. Using Teleweb, Yapi Kredi customers can now apply for solutions to all of their financing needs in the form of personal, education, automobile, home-ownership, and home-improvement loans without having to call at a bank branch.

Yapi Kredi customers whom are the users of Alternative Delivery Channels can apply for whatever type of loan they want simply by filling out and sending in a Teleweb application form.

An e-mail response to the application is sent out to the applicant the very same day. If the loan has been approved, the e-mail will indicate which branch the applicant should go to and what documents he needs to take with him. If the loan is turned down, the reasons for that are detailed.

If the loan is approved, the Yapi Kredi customer only needs to call at the designated branch once in order to take care of the required paperwork. After that, all loan-related transactions can be quickly and conveniently performed via Teleweb.

Online application A Yapi Kredi customer who wants to apply online for a loan should first log into Teleweb with his customer ID and password. From the menu at the left choose “Applications” and then “Personal loan applications”. After choosing the type of loan you want on this page, you are taken to the appropriate loan application form.

After filling in all the information asked for by the form, click on the “Send” button and your application is complete.

To check the status of a loan application that you’ve already made, click on the Teleweb “Applications”, “Personal loan applications”, and then “Track application” links to immediately fetch up a screen showing the application’s current standing.

Yapı Kredi / 02 Jul 2003

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